Not so fast! What is the Sizzle in Your Location?
Shout out to the Money Guy Show produced right here in Franklin, TN. This isn't the first time I have highlighted the guidance of Brian Preston and Bo Hanson in my communications. I appreciate their common sense advice and easy-to-follow checklists. In the Money Guy Show episode (click link) produced on March 10, Brian and Bo respond to nationally recognized voices of authority who are in conflict. Harry Dent says a big housing crash is coming. Dave Ramsey maintains a position that now is still the time to buy. Considering and following the Money Guy Home-Buying Checklist is helpful in right-sizing the question of "to buy or not to buy?" to your personal circumstances. What particularly interests me most follows the age-old real estate mantra location, location, location. Brian asks, "What is the sizzle of your location?" It's a mistake to put a blanket projection over the entire country. What are the migration patterns, which companies are driving job grow...